太阳成集团学术活动信息:University of Texas at Arlington Professor Tuncay Aktosun学术报告

发布时间:2015-09-23   浏览次数:361

报 告 人:Professor Tuncay Aktosun(Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington)

报告题目:Inverse problem with transmission eigenvalues for the discreteSchrödinger equation



Abstract: The discrete Schr\odinger equation with the Dirichlet boundary condition isconsidered on a half-line lattice when the potential is real valued andcompactly supported. The inverse problem of recovery of the potential fromthe corresponding transmission eigenvalues is analyzed. The Marchenko methodand the Gel'fand-Levitan method are used to solve the inverse problemuniquely, except in one ``unusual case where the sum of the transmissioneigenvalues is equal to a certain integer related to the support of thepotential.It is shown that in the unusual case there may be a unique solutioncorresponding to a given set of transmission eigenvalues, there may be afinite number of distinct potentials for a given set of transmissioneigenvalues, or there may be infinitely many potentials for a given set oftransmission eigenvalues.