太阳成集团学术活动信息:Prof. Randy L. Haupt 学术报告

发布时间:2015-09-16   浏览次数:400

报 告 人: Prof. Randy L. Haupt IEEE Fellow

报告题目:Antenna Arrays: Past, Present, and Future




Abstract: Large antennas create the high gain needed to boost the received signal for a communications or radar system. Today, reflectors and arrays compete for large aperture jobs in many types of systems. In general, the reflector is relatively inexpensive, that is why it is the antenna of choice for commercial activities, such as satellite TV. If the reflector must be moved in order to locate or track a signal, then the gimbals, servomotors, and other mechanical parts become a reliability and maintenance issue that becomes a significant lifecycle cost. Also, mechanical steering might be too slow to meet some of the demands on platforms such as airplanes. The array - in particular the phased array - makes many performance promises but for a price. Reflectors have a rich history in optics that started thousands of years ago. Arrays, on the other hand, are only a little more than 100 years old, while phased arrays are only a little more than 70 years old. This presentation introduces the antenna array concept and provides a historical development of the array from the very beginning until the present and beyond.

Prof. Randy L. Haupt 个人简介:Randy Haupt is an IEEE Fellow, Fellow of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, and Electromagnetics Academy Fellow. He is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines. His PhD is from the University of Michigan and received 2 MS degrees: 1 from Western New England University and 1 from Northeastern University. His BSEE is from the United States Air Force Academy. Dr. Haupt is currently chair of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Fellows Committee. He has written 5 books on genetic algorithms and antenna arrays.