
发布时间:2015-07-02   浏览次数:731

报 告 人:夏爱华 墨尔本大学数学系教授




Abstract: We show that the point process of signal strengths from transmitters in a wireless network observed from a fixed position can be well-approximated by an inhomogeneous Poisson or a Cox point processes on the positive real line. Under appropriate conditions, our results support the use of a spatial Poisson point process for the underlying positioning of transmitters in models of wireless networks, even if in reality the positioning does not appear Poisson. We apply the results to a number of models with popular choices for positioning of transmitters, path loss functions, and distributions of propagation effects.(joint work with P Keeler and N Ross).


  澳大利亚墨尔本大学数学系教授,澳大利亚科学院Mroan奖获得者(此奖每4年评一次,奖给40岁以下的优秀学者),国际统计学会选举会员,Bernoulli学会会员,澳大利亚统计学会会员,主要从事随机过程极限定理、Markov过程、点过程、Poisson过程和复合Poisson过程逼近,以及排队网络的研究。发表学术论文50余篇,其中在概率论重要杂志论文30多篇,概率论顶尖级杂志“Annals of Probability ”,“Annals of AppliedProbability”,“Probability Theory and Related Fields”,“Stochastic Process. Appl.”上的论文近20篇。