
发布时间:2015-07-01   浏览次数:423

报 告 人:夏应龙 IBM纽约研发中心研究员

报告题目: Our Efforts on Linked Big Data: from Research to Market

报告时间:2015年7月2日 16:00.


Abstract: Big Data needs no introduction. The recent advance in Big Data motivates the interdisciplinary research on analytics and systems, as well as the understanding of the market's requirements. In this talk, I will first introduce some recent trend in the IT market that can shade lights onto the research strategy of Big Data in industry. Then, we will dive into some of our recent efforts on graphs in Big Data, which include the understanding of the limitation of graph computing on current computer architectures and the solutions in industrial systems to address the challenges. We will explore highly concurrent graph query on commodity computing systems by leveraging data locality in graph traversals while achieving workload balance by dynamic scheduling. We will show the performance of our solution and also discuss the future research directions.


Yinglong Xia is currently a technical leader and research staff member in the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,leading a cross-department team on exploring graph-based techniques for Big Data management and analytics, which serve as the core component in IBM SystemG and have been adopted by several DARPA projects including SMISC and ADAMS. He received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Southern California(USC) in 2010. Prior to that, he received MS and BS from Tsinghua University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2006 and 2003, respectively. He is a director since 2014 in the board of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) and also a Big Data Standardization Committee Member of the IEEE Big Data Initiative. He publishes extensively with40+ papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He serves as aprogram chair, publicity chair, guest editor, track chair, and TPC member in a number of international conferences, workshops, and international journals,such as IEEE BigData’15, IPDPS’15, HiPC’15, CSE’15, CBDCom’15, etc. He was aCRA/NSF Computing Innovation Fellow (CIFellow) in 2010-2012. He received the IBM Research Division Awards in 2013 and 2015.