
发布时间:2015-06-16   浏览次数:765

报 告 人:马春生教授

报告题目:Brownian motion and its applications



Abstract: This talk is mainly about the history of Brownian motion. The physical phenomenon of Brownian motion is usually attributed to R. Brown (1828) and was explained by A. Einstein (1905), whose explanation of the phenomenon was a milestone in the establishment of the atomistic world view of physics. The first study of the mathematical process of Brownian motion is due to L. Bachelier (1900) in the context of modeling stock market flucunations, but his work was long forgotten and has only recently been rediscovered: today an international society for mathematical finance is named after him. The first rigorous construction of mathematical Brownian motion is due to N. Wiener (1923), and in his honor Brownian motion is sometimes called the Wiener process. A lot of effort in the literature has been put into trying to extend the understanding of Brownian motion to more general Gaussian processes, such as the fractional Brownian motion that was introduced by A. N. Kolmogorov (1940) and named by B. B.Mandelbrot and J. W. Van Ness (1968). In this talk we introduce three types ofcovariance matrix structures for Gaussian or elliptically contoured vector random fields in space and/or time, which include fractional, bifractional, and trifractional vector Brownian motions as special cases, and reveal the relationships among these vector random fields, with an orthogonal decomposition established for the multifractional vector Brownian motion.

