
发布时间:2015-05-18   浏览次数:574

报 告 人:胡乃红

报告题目:Loewy Filtration and Quantum de Rham Cohomology



Abstract: Thistalk is about (1) the indecomposable submodule structures

of quantum divided power algebra$\mathcal{A}_q(n)$ introduced by myself in 1999 and its truncated objects$\mathcal{A}_q(n,

\bold m)$, where an``intertwinedly-lifting method is established to prove the indecomposability of a module when its socle is non-simple.

(2) the Loewy filtrations are described forall homogeneous subspaces

$\mathcal{A}^{(s)}_q(n)$ or$\mathcal{A}_q^{(s)}(n, \bold m)$, the Loewy layers and dimensions aredetermined.

The rigidity of these indecomposable modulesis proved. An interesting combinatorial identity is derived from ourrealization model for a class of indecomposable$\mathfrak{u}_q(\mathfrak{sl}_n)$-modules.

(3) Meanwhile, the quantum Grassmann algebra

$\Omega_q(n)$ over $\mathcal{A}_q(n)$ isconstructed, together with the quantum de Rham

complex $(\Omega_q(n), d^\bullet)$ viadefining the appropriate

$q$-differentials, and its subcomplex$(\Omega_q(n,\bold m),

d^\bullet)$. For the latter, thecorresponding quantum

de Rham cohomology modules are decomposedinto the direct sum of some sign-trivial modules.


胡乃红教授,华东师范大学博士生导师,德国洪堡学者(95-96年度),第三届教育部高校青年教师奖获得者, 华东师大代数研究室主任、华东师大数学博士后流动站站长。主要从事李代数与量子群的表示论研究,分别在Cartan型模李代数的模表示论、双参数量子群的系列新结构的发现与表示分类、Toroidal-Virosaro李代数的齐次顶点表示的统一构造、以及Leibniz代数的循环同调论、Cartan型q-李代数新理论的建立以及量子仿射空间上的非交换几何理论的构建等诸多不同领域方面取得系列的创新性的研究成果。两次进入国家自然科学基金重点项目,主持教育部博士点基金项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。分别在法国国家科研中心IRMA数学所、加拿大约克大学、法国巴黎高师、德国汉堡大学数学所等访问讲学。