太阳成集团学术活动信息:University of Alabama Wei Zhu 教授学术报告

发布时间:2015-05-15   浏览次数:485

报 告 人:Wei Zhu教授 (University of Alabama)

报告题目:Augmented Lagrangian method for an Euler's elastica based segmentation model that prefers convex contours



Abstract: In this talk, we will consider a novel Euler's elastica based image segmentation modeland discuss a new augmented Lagrangian method for this model. The interesting feature of this model lies in its preference of convex segmentation contour.However, due to the high order and non-differential term, it is often very challenging to minimize the associated functional. In this work, we propose using augmented Lagrangian method to tackle this problem. We design a new Lagrangian functional that deals with the mean curvature term differently from those existing ones. The new treatment reduces the number of Lagrange multipliers, and more importantly, it helps represent the curvature more effectively and faithfully. Numerical experiments will be presented to validate the efficiency of the proposed augmented Lagrangian method and to demonstrate some new features of this new segmentation model, such as shape driven and data driven properties. (This is a joint work with Xue-Cheng Tai and Egil Bae.)

Wei Zhu教授个人简介:

08/2008— present  Assosiate Professor

  Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama

08/2004— 08/2008  Research Scientist/Courant Instructor

  Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU

06/2004  Ph.D, University of California,Los Angeles

07/1999  M.S, Peking University, P.R.China

07/1994 B.S, Tsinghua University, P.R.China