太阳成集团学术活动信息:美国西弗吉尼亚大学DAVID ALLAN MILLER 教授学术报告

发布时间:2015-05-12   浏览次数:485


报告题目:UsingModel Analysis to Probe Students’ Understanding of Pre-calculus andIntroduction to Proofs.



Abstract: Modelanalysis is a quantitative research method used in physics education researchto analyze and interpret the meaning of students’ incorrect responses on awell-designed research-based multiple-choice test. We have adapted this methodto study students’ understanding of function composition and inductive anddeductive proof schemes. Model analysis accounts for the fact that students mayhold more than one idea or conception at a time, and may use different ideasand concepts in response to different situations. It is uniquely suited tostudy students’ understanding of function composition, as students often holdmultiple, sometimes conflicting misconceptions on function composition, whichthey may use at different times. Similarly, model analysis is able toilluminate valuable information about students understanding of proof schemes.Model analysis treats each student’s complete set of responses as a data point,rather than treating each individual response as a separate data point. Thus,model analysis can capture information on self-consistency of a student’sresponses and yield the students’ prominent model state vectors. This talk willpresent background information on model analysis, composition of functions, andproof schemes, and the use of model analysis to investigate these areas.