
发布时间:2015-04-14   浏览次数:494

报 告 人:丁彦恒教授

报告题目:Some recent results on existence and concentration of semi-classical ground states of Dirac equations



Abstract:In the literature there are lots of results on existence and concentration of nonlinear Schrodinger equations appearing innon- relativisticquantum mechanics. However, only a few similar results on nonlinear Dirac systems arising from relativisticquantum mechanics are established in recent years.Contrary to the Laplacian the Dirac operator has a continuous spectrumwhich is not bounded from below and above, thus the problems pose a challenge in theCalculus of Variations. In this talk we are going to introduce some latest results of this aspect.


丁彦恒,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,博士生导师,洪堡学者。曾任中国数学会常务副秘书长。长期从事非线性泛函分析、非线性偏微分方程方面的研究,原创性地发展并形成了相对系统的强不定问题的变分方法。尤其在 Dirac 系统的研究中作出了开创性工作,研究成果受到国际上广泛关注。主持了包括两项重点项目在内的多项国家自然科学基金项目。