
发布时间:2015-04-08   浏览次数:556

报告人: 苏中根教授

报告题目:Asymptotic Normality for Random Matrices and Interger Partitions



摘要:In this talk we are mainlyconcerned with asymptotic normality in random matrices and random integerpartitions. For the sake of clarity, we shall restrict ourselves to somewellstudied special cases like Circular Unitary Ensemble, Gaussian UnitaryEnsemble, Random Uniform Partition and Random Plancherel Partitions. There aresome surprising similarity between these objects from the viewpoint ofasymptotic probability theory, though no direct link is found between finitemodels. Most results will be briefly reviewed without proofs.


浙江大学数学系教授,博士生导师。1995年获复旦大学博士学位,主要从事Banach空间值随机向量概率极限理论、随机组合优化和渗流、随机矩阵、随机整数划分、随机增长过程。自2004年以来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,获浙江省杰出青年团队项目1项,获教育部科技进步奖二等奖,2002年获全国普通高校优秀教材一等奖,2005年获浙江大学优秀教学成果一等奖。曾在Probability Theory and Related Field, Proceedings of Royal Society, StochasticProcesses and Their Applications,Journal of Mathematical Physics, Electrnoic Journal of Probability, Science in China等专业杂志上发表论文30多篇,编著研究生教材2本。