12月07日 华东理工大学黄雪毅博士学术报告

发布时间:2023-12-05   浏览次数:10

报 告 人:黄雪毅 博士 

报告题目:On directed strongly regular Cayley graphs over non-abelian groups





      黄雪毅,华东理工大学讲师、硕士生导师,2018年博士毕业于新疆大学,导师为黄琼湘教授,2018-2020年在郑州大学从事博士后研究,2020年起在华东理工大学工作,2021-2022年在韩国成均馆大学从事博士后研究1年。目前主要从事代数图论方面的研究,涉及的研究领域有凯莱图的谱与同构、距离正则凯莱图的刻画、高度对称图的谱刻画等,主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金项目和河南省博士后基金项目各1项,在Electron. J. Combin.、J. Algebraic Combin.、Linear Algebra Appl.等期刊上发表学术论文40余篇。 


      In 1988, Duval introduced the concept of directed strongly regular graphs, which can be viewed as a directed graph version of strongly regular graphs. Such directed graphs have similar structural and algebraic properties to strongly regular graphs. In the past three decades, it was found that Cayley graphs, especially those over dihedral groups, play a key role in the construction of directed strongly regular graphs.  In this talk, we focus on the characterization of directed strongly regular Cayley graphs over more general groups. Let $G$ be a non-abelian group with an abelian subgroup of index $2$. We give some necessary conditions for a Cayley graph over $G$ to be directed strongly regular, and characterize the directed strongly regular Cayley graphs over $G$ satisfying specified conditions. This extends some previous results of He and Zhang (2019). This is joint work with Lu Lu and Jongyook Park.