
发布时间:2014-12-19   浏览次数:449

LecturerQingquan Deng

TitleGaussian bounds for higher-order elliptic differential operators of Kato type


Time:December 20 (Saturday), 2014. 9:30(am)

Room:Jingyuan Bldg. (The 21st Century Bldg.)#1508


Dr Qingquan Deng was graduated in 2012 from Beijing Normal University where he studied Harmonic Analysis, PDEs and Differential Operators as a student of Professor Yong Ding. Morover, he has visited the Math Department of the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee from Sep. 2010 to Sep.2011.

Now he is working as an associated professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Central China Normal University in Wuhan. Dr. Qingquan Deng has published several research articles of high quality on the international journals such as the Journal of Functional Analysis and Indiana Univeristy Mathematics Journal. He has deep understanding about the oscillatory integrals and the well known endpoint function spaces, for instane, BMO space and Hardy space.