
发布时间:2014-11-10   浏览次数:528





Michael Röckner教授

报告题目An operatorial approach to SPDE driven by linear multiplicative noise

报告时间201411 11日(周二 下午2:00-3:30


报告摘要: In this talk, we present a new general approach to the existence and uniqueness theory of infinite dimensional stochastic equations of the form dX+A(t)Xdt = XdW in (0;T)×H, where A(t) is a nonlinear monotone and demicontinuous operator from V to V', coercive and with polynomial growth. Here, V is a reflexive Banach space continuously and densely embedded in a Hilbert space Hand V' is the dual of V in the duality induced by H as pivot space. Furthermore, W is a Wiener process in H. The new approach is based on an operatorial reformulation of the stochastic equation which is quite robust under perturbation of A(t). This leads to new existence and uniqueness results of a larger class of equations with linear multiplicative noise than the one treatable by the known approaches. In addition, we obtain regularity results for the solutions with respect to both the time and spatial variable which are sharper than the classical ones. New applications include stochastic partial differential equations, as e.g. stochastic transport equations.

Michael Röckner教授简介:

Michael Röckner教授是国际著名的数学家,目前担任德国数学会副主席、德国DFG基金评审委员会委员(40名委员中唯一一位数学委员)、德国洪堡基金评审委员、欧盟科学研究委员会(ERC)前沿基金(Advanced grant: 此基金为欧盟范围内最高级别的个人基金项目,每年全欧洲范围内评选12-14项)评审委员会数学部主席(Chair of the Mathematics Panel)德国Bielefeld大学ZIF交叉科学研究中心主任以及Bielefeld大学数学系系主任。

Michael Röckner教授在概率统计及相关领域科研成果卓著,目前已出版专著4本,在概率统计等领域顶级期刊CPAMCMPAOPPTRFJFA等发表高水平SCI论文近300篇,论文引用次数3200多次(2002ISI Web of Knowledge评选的世界高引科学家Michael Röckner教授在数学家中全球排名第三)。 Michael Röckner教授曾荣获Max-Planck Research PrizeSir Edmund Whittaker Memorial PrizeHeinz–Mayer–Leibnitz Prize等多个国际数学/科学奖,目前担任包括概率统计顶级期刊Annals of Probability在内的9个高水平SCI期刊编委和8个国际会议Proceeding编委, /曾主持多个重大国际合作项目(包括与美国、俄罗斯、意大利、澳大利亚、波兰、罗马利亚、乌克兰、日本、中国及欧盟等合作项目)。