
发布时间:2014-10-20   浏览次数:478

人:   张存铨

报告题目: Nowhere-zero $3$-Flows in Graphs and Signed Graphs


报告地点: 静远楼1506学术报告厅


报告摘要: Tutteobserved that every nowhere-zero $k$-flow on a plane graph gives rise to a k-vertex-coloring of its dual, and vice versa. Thus nowhere-zero integer flow and graph coloring can be viewed as dual concepts.Jaeger further shows that if a graph $G$ has a face-$k$-colorable $2$-cellembedding in some orientable surface, then it has a nowhere-zero k-flow.However,if the surface is non-orientable, then a face-k-coloring corresponds to a nowhere-zero k-flow in a signed graph arising from G. Graphs embedded in orientable surfaces are therefore a special case that the corresponding signs are all positive. In this talk, we present two recent results about integer flows for graphs and signed graphs.

(1) Tutteconjectured that every 4-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. Extended from a recent breakthrough by Thomassen (JCTB 2012) that every 8-edge-connected graphs admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow, it is further proved that every 6-edge-connected graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. (Joint work withLov\'asz, Thomassen and Y.Z. Wu).

(2) By applying the above result for graphs, Zhu proved that every 11-edge - connected signed graph admits a nowhere-zero 3-flow. This result is further improved for 8-edge-connected signed graphs. (Joint work with Y.Z. Wu, D. Ye and W. Zang.)



美国西弗吉尼亚大学数学系教授、博士生导师eberly杰出教授,主要研究领域为图论和组合数学、离散优化和生物信息学,是享誉盛名的国际图论专家。张存铨教授1986年从加拿大著名的西蒙菲莎大学获得博士学位,1989年以优异的科研成果被破格提前提升为终身副教授。1996年提升为正教授。他曾独立获得八个美国科技基金会等科研基金,是联邦定期资助的唯一主要研究者,屡次获得校方的最佳科研奖。张存铨教授已有一百余篇论文,其中在SCI 2区上发表论文10余篇,SCI 3区上发表论文10余篇;他的经典专著《Integer Flows and Cycle Covers of Graphs在同行中享有极高的评价。