太阳成集团学术活动信息:Dau-Chyrh Chang IEEE Life Fellow学术报告2014.09.24

发布时间:2014-09-22   浏览次数:414

人: Dau-Chyrh Chang  IEEE Life Fellow

       Oriental Institute of Technology, Taipei

报告题目:Reconfigurable Antennas for Digital Data Communication Systems








  Dau-Chyrh Chang obtained his BS degree and MS degree from Chung-Cheng Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California. He spent 17 years in antenna R&D at CSIST (Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology). For 12 of these years, he served as director of antenna section. During his employment at CSIST, he developed reflector antennas, phased array antennas, slot array antennas, communication antennas, and innovative antenna test range. In 1998, he left his post as director of the antenna section to become Dean of the Engineering School at Da-Yeh University. He had been invited to be the Dean of College of Electrical and Communication Engineering at Oriental Institute of Technology in 2006.

He established the IEEE AP-S Taipei Chapter and as the first Chair in 2001, Chair of IEEE MTT-S Taipei Chapter, President of Chinese Microwave Association. He has been the General Chair of CSTRWC2001, CSTRWC2008, ISAP2008, ICONIC2009, AEM2C2010, IEEE iWEM2011, CSQRWC2012, PIERS2013in Taipei, and future IEEE IMWS-Bio 2015. He has been the Chair Professor and Director of Communication Research Center at Oriental Institute of Technology since 2006.

Prof. Chang is IEEE Life Fellow, IET Fellow, and EMA Fellow.