
发布时间:2014-06-24   浏览次数:501

报 告 人:任艳霞  教授

报告题目:The backbone decomposition for continuous-state branching processes and superprocesses




报告摘要:Consider any supercritical Galton-Watson process which may become extinct with positive probability. It is a well-understood and intuitively obvious phenomenon that, on the survival set, the process may be pathwise decomposed into a stochastically `thinner' Galton-Watson process, which almost surely survives and which is decorated with immigrants, at every time step, initiating independent copies of the original Galton-Watson process conditioned to become extinct. The thinner process is known as the `backbone' and characterizes the genealogical lines of descent of prolific individuals in the original process. Here, prolific means individuals who have at least one descendant in every subsequent generation to their own. There exists a cluster of literature describing the analogue of this decomposition (the so-called `backbone decomposition') for a variety of different classes of superprocesses and continuous-state branching processes. I will talk our recent results concerning backbone decompositions for continuous-state branching processes and superprocesses.



北京大学教授,博士生导师。 1998年在南开大学取得博士学位,曾在清华大学做博士后两年,2000年到北京大学任副教授, 2003年开始任教授。研究领域为测度值马氏过程、分枝粒子系统等,发表论文四十多篇。2000年获全国优秀博士论文奖,连续多年获得国家自然科研基金资助。现任概率论教研室主任、中国概率统计学会常务理事。