
发布时间:2014-06-24   浏览次数:420

人: 任健健   教授

      University of Maryland, College Park

报告题目:Empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals for conditional survival probabilities with right censored data





Abstract: In the analysis of survival data, we often encounter situations where the response variable (the survival time) T is subject to right censoring, but the covariates Z are completely observable and are often discrete or categorical. In this article, we construct the empirical likelihood ratio confidence region for conditional survival probabilities based on bivariate data which are subject to right censoring in one coordinate and have a discrete covariate Z. We show that such empirical likelihood ratio confidence region is indeed an interval, and we establish some related properties of the empirical likelihood ratio. The generalization of our results in this article to the multivariate covariate Z with dimension p>1 is straightforward. This is joint work with Tonya Riddlesworth.



Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, 教授。1982年于中国北京大学获理学学士学位,198 7年于University of Montana – Missoula获硕士学位,1989年于University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill获统计学理学硕士学位,1990年于University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill获统计学理学博士学位。

主要研究方向:Statistical Inference, Survival Analysis, Statistical Methods in Biomedical Research, Likelihood Inference, Resampling Methods, Computational Statistics, Probability. Ren Jian-Jian Professor曾多次受邀至华盛顿、多伦多、新奥尔良、蒙特利尔、伯克利等地做大会报告。主持多项基金,如National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Department of Energy, SCI期刊上发表文章30余篇。