
发布时间:2014-05-30   浏览次数:504

人: 张蕊  博士


报告题目:Central Limit Theorems for Supercritical and Critical Branching Markov Processes

报告时间: 201464(周三)下午5:00




报告内容摘要:In this talk I will present some spatial central limit theorems for a large class of supercritical branching Markov processes with general spatial-dependent branching mechanisms. These are generalizations of the spatial central limit theorems proved by Adamczak and Milos (2011) for branching OU processes with binary branching mechanisms. Compared with the results in Adamczak and Milos (2011), our central limit theorems are more satisfactory in the sense that the normal random variables in our theorems are non-degenerate. And it allows us to characterize the limit Gaussian field. For some critical branching Markov processes, conditioned on non-extinction at time t, there are also some spatial limit theorems.