
发布时间:2013-12-18   浏览次数:489






报告题目Imputation Methods and Efficient Estimation for Linear Models with Missing Responses




报告内容摘要:The aim of this paper is to propose nonparametric and parametric imputation approaches for parameter estimation in a quantile regression model when some responses are missing at random. The two imputation approaches can successfully remove selection bias due to missing data, while the proposed parametric imputation approach yields more reliable results even in high dimensional problems. To increase statistical efficiency, we propose a weighted composite quantile estimation and a weighted quantile average estimation. Moreover, for the parametric imputation approach, we use the SCAD and adaptive-LASSO penalties to simultaneously select significant variables and estimate unknown parameters. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators under both imputation methods. An efficient algorithm is developed for fast implementation of the proposed methodologies. We also discuss a model selection criterion, which is based on the so-called IC_Q statistic, to select the penalty parameters. The performance of the proposed methods is illustrated via simulated and real data sets.





先后在JASA, Biometrika, Biometrics, Biostatistics, Statistics in Medicine, Statistica Sinica等刊物发表论文90多篇,其中SCI检索64篇;出版专著、译著各1部;主持完成国家自然科学基金3项、国家社科基金1项。获云南省自然科学二和三等奖各1项、国家统计局全国统计科研优秀成果二等奖6项、霍英东青年教师奖(三等奖)。