
发布时间:2020-01-11   浏览次数:1564

报告会时间: 2020年1月14日(星期二)    报告会地点:静远楼1506学术报告厅

8:30-9:30吕中学 侯典明(8:30-8:50)Muntz spectral methods with applications to some singular problems
叶  专(8:50-9:10)On the global regularity for anisotropic dissipative surface quasi-geostrophic equation
刘剑明(9:10-9:30)Modified Omega-Rortex (Liutex) Vortex Identification Method  
休  息
9:40-11:00刘笑颖 李石虎(9:40-10:00) Stochastic 3D fractional Leray-α model
孙晓斌(10:00-10:20)Averaging principle for slow-fast stochastic differential equations
周  勤(10:20-10:40)Phase I Monitoring of Serially Correlated Nonparametric Profiles By Mixed-Effects Modeling
刘鹏飞(10:40-11:00)High order conditional distance co-variance